1.Spinal cord in children ends at L3
2.Spinal cord in adults ends
at L1
3.middle meningeal artery arises from
maxillary artery
4.csf is obtained from space b/w Arachnoid
and piamater
5.3rd CN nuclei is Fiber for constrictor pupillae originate from edinger
6.Arterial supply to dura matter is frm all
of the following Except basilary artery
7.artery supplying major part of superolateral surface of brain is middle cerebral artery
8.hypoglassal nerve is -12th CN
9.eye ball movements are controlled by all
of the following CN’s Except optic nerve
10.largest CN is trigenimal nerve.
11.not a tributary of
cavernous sinous
superior petrosal sinus
12.nuclei deep with in the medial temporal
lobes of the brain amygdala
13.raphe nuclei are a modrate –size cluster
nuclei found in
the brain
14.cross section of midbrain at the level of
superior colliculus
shows red
and occulomotor nerve nuleus
15.trochlear nerve nucleus @inferior colliculus
16.spinal part of accessory nerve supply
sternocleidomastoid muscle
17.primary auditory area is superior
temporal gyrus
18.primary visual area is occipital lobe
19.visual area[primary] is supplied by
posterior cerebral artery
20.a lesion involving UMN of facial nerve
manifest as (upper half of
the face
normal,lower half
affected UMN above the
facial nucleus in the pons)
21.nuleus ambigus is not
ass/with which CN 7th
22.not involved in damage to cerebellum
athenia *asthenia
(weakness/lack of energy
&strength/loss of
*it is prominent part of myasthenia gravis
23.loss of tactile localization &2point
discrimination occurs
in damage to somato
sensory area 1
24.functions of limbic system
25.source of bleeding in extradural
hemorrhage middle meningeal artery .
26.adductor pollicis is supplied by ulnar nerve.
27.teres minor &deltoid muscle is supplied
by axillary nerve
28.nerve supply to gluteus maximus inferior gluteal nerve.
29.nerve supply hypothenar muscle is from
ulnar nerve .
30.nerve passing deep to flexor retinaculum
31.nerve related to spiral groove of
32.nerve involved m/c ly in#of shaft of
33.nerve involved # of medial epicondyle of
34.hansens disease ulnar nerve
35.cubital tunnel syndrome ulnar nerve.
36.nerve compressed in guyon’s canal
37.ulnar nerve injury results in clawing of
38.#of fibular neck may involve common
39.nerve supply to the nail
bed of middle
40.tardy ulnar nerve palsy is commonly
41.palmar &dorsal interossei are supplied
42.thenar eminence is supplied by median
nerve .
43.lunate dislocation may
injury to median
44.ape thumb/pointing
index/carpal tunnel
syndrome(median nerve injury.
secretomotor fibers to
submandibular gland is
46.nerve supply to platysma(facial nerve.
47.nerve supply to superior
48.nerve supply to lateral
rectus muscle
49.right phernic nerve passes
through (vena
50.vagus nerve pass through (esophageal
51.pain of CA base of tongue
is refered to
the ear through (glossopharyngeal nerve .
52.circumvallate papillae of
tongue are
supplied by(9th.(glossopharyngeal nerve).
test/card test is done
for(ulnar nerve injury.
54.nerve of medial /adductor
of thigh(obturator nerve.
55.gluteus medius ,gluteus
minimus &tensor
fascia lata is supplied
by (superior
56.root value of pudendal
nerve is(s2
57.root value of obturator
nerve is ( L2
58.root value of radial
nerve (c5-t1.
59.artery crossing optic
nerve is(opthalmic
60.CN having longest intracranial
62.CN-9,10,11,12, have their
in (medulla.
63.CN emerging frm dorsal ascept of
brain (trochlear.
64.glands supplied by facial nerve
are(submandibular,lacrimal,nasal glands.
65.facial nerve dose not
66.arterial supply to facial
nerve (ascending
67.all palatal muscles
(except-tensor palati)
68.right hypoglossal nerve
palsy deviate the
69.paralysis of 3,4&6
CN’s indicates lesion
70.afferent pathway of
reflex(trigeminal nerve.
71.erbs palsy root value(c5c6.
72.partial claw hand(ulnar nerve .
73.total/true/complete claw
hand (ulnar
74.Labourers nerve (median nerve.
75.nerve supply to adductor
magnus is
76.pudendal nerve is related
to (ischial
77.special somatic afferent
nuclei (CN8.
78.4th&6th CN’s passes
through (
orbital fissurea.
79.muscle supplied by
80.stadedius is supplied by(facial nerve.
81.motor supply to the
muscles of the
82.the nerve that may get
injured during
83.Sensory nerve supply to
angle of jaw is
84.the the muscle which is
not supplied by
*cricothyroid is supplied by (
85.all the intrinsic muscles
are supplied
86.auriculotemporal nerve
does not
87.sensory nerve supply of
the palatine
88.scala tympani is supplied
89.occulomotor nerve supplies
all muscles of
90.following spinal tracts
are ipsilateral
91.synaptic transmission in
92.sympathetic chain is(passes frm skull to
93.great vein of galen is
formed by union
94.not a branch of basilar
95.posterior cerebral artery
is not a branch
96.true abt conus syndrome
are all
97.the papillary light reflex
can be
98.the taste pathway from
palate goes
facial nerve
99.post superior alveolar
nerve is a branch
100.left phernic nerve runs
101.rupture of the internal vertebral venous
102.the nerve innvoting
the four muscles
103.primary curvature of
vertebral column
104.branch frm the trunk of
105.function of basal ganglia(programming
106.intention tremers are
107.main excitatory
neurotransmitter in
108.hypothalamic nuclei
controlling thrist
109.broaca’s area is present
in (inferior
110.impaired comprehension of
111.nightmares are seen in(REM sleep.
112.pneumotoxic centre is
present in (dorsal
113.temperature regulation is
114.dreaming is common in
which phase of
115.neurotransmiter depleted
in parkinson’s
116.law explaning phantom
117.tract involved in
118.Shivering is controlled
119.true for alpha waves are
temporal region .
neurotransmitter in
121.poaterior part of
hypothalamus is
122.bipolar cells are seen in(retina.
123.all are carried through
124.propricoception is
carried through(dorsal
125.all or non law is obeyed
by (action
126.sensory fiber with least
*fast conduction velocity (alpha fiber (70-
127.all are primary colours Except (white.
128.true abt colour blindness(defect in one or more prime colour .
129.true abt semicircular canals is(arranged at 8angles to each other .
130.stretch reflex of urinary bladder is intergrated at (sacral portion of spinal cord.
131.function of neocerebellum is(planing &programming of voluntary movements.
132.all of the following are concerned with spatial orientation (vistibular receptors,
Eyes,proprioceptors in joint capsule.
133.A cut/leasion above the pyramidal tract decussation results in (paralysis of opp.half Of the body.
134.which lies in the dorsal column of spinal cord (fasicular gracilis.
135.clasp knife rigidity is also known as (inverse stretch reflex < lengthening reaction .
136.neurotransmitter depleted in parkinson’s disease(dopamine.
137.function of flocunodular lobe of cerebellum is( equilibrium.
138.alpha wave in EEG are seen in (awake state .
139.delta wave are seen in (deep sleep.
140.features of occipital lobe of brain are all Except(it’s the only area in the brain
Activated by visual stimuli.
141.neuroglial cells in the CNS (oligodendrocytes
142.max no.of sodium channels per square micrometeris present in(nodes of ranvir.
143.sweating is mediated by(cholinergic mediated sympathetic activity. *sympathetic postganglionic neurons innervating (sweat glands.
144.functionof muscle spindle is(maintain muscle length.
145.sensory organ for
responding to texture is (meirsmer corpuscles.
146.acetylcholine receptors are decreased in (myasthenia gravies.
147.all of the following are cholinergic effects Except(tachycardia.
148.properties of alpha waves are seen in all Except(seen in rem sleep.
149.melatonin is ass/with all of the following Except(vomitings
150.all of the following effects can occur if vagus is stimulated Except(bronchial
Musculature relaxation.
151.when both vagal cut,respiration becomes (deep &slow.
152.influx of which of the following ion is responsible for IPSP(chloride ions.
(inhibitory postsynaptic potential).
153.vomitting centre is situated in the (medulla.
154.optic nerve is (2nd order neuron .
155.which of the following is not carried in dorsal column of spinal cord (heat sensation
156.not ass/with temporal lobe(spatial relationship.
157.vagal stimulation causes (decreased depth of respiration .
158.complete apneusis will result if transaction is done at (lower pons.
159.intrafusal fibers of the striated skeletal muscles are inverted by one of the following
Type of motor neuron (gamma.*extrafusal fibers(alpha.
160.synaptic potential can be recorded by(microelectrode.
161.example of neurohormone (oxytocin (released frm –hypothalamus).
162.muscle weakness is seen in all Except(physostigmine therapy.
163.which ions helps in resting membrane potential in neurons(pottasium(k+).
164.magnitude of action potential is mainly affects by(sodium(Na+).
165.type of exercise done to increase the muscle strength is(isotonic
166.nicotinic receptors are
seen in all Except(bronchial
smooth muscle..
167.size of the action
potential decreased as a result of( lower extra cellular sodium.
168.fibrillation of skeletal muscle is ass/with
all Except(strong
169.most serous complication of measles is (mengio-encephalitis.
170.the absolute C/I to lithium is(renal failure.
170.the absolute C/I to lithium is(renal failure.
171.lithium toxicity is
treated by following methods Except(acidification of urine.
172.antipsycotic drugs act
through (dopamine
2 receptor blocked.
173.not used in bipolar disorder (phenytoin.
174.DOC for
drug(phenothiazine)induced parkinsonism(benzhexol.
175.which anti-epileptic drug
will cause hirsutism in a 30 years old women(phenytoin.
176.false statement regarding
phenytoin is(follows
zero order kinetics at lower doses.
177.true abt impramine is(anti depressant .
178.short acting neuromuscular blocking
agent (mivacurium.
179.DOC for petitmal /absence seizures (valporate.
180.malignant neuroleptic
syndrome is caused by (antagonist.
181.true regarding buspropion is(nicotinic receptor antagonist .
182.antidote for
restyl/alprazolam is(flumazenil.
183.phenobarbitone and
warfarin interaction results in(increased metabolism of
Warfarin .
Warfarin .
185.drug C/I in the pt of myasthenia
gravis (tubocurare.
186.antidepressant drug that
can cause neuroleptic malignant syndrome &tardive
Dyskinesia (amoxapine.
Dyskinesia (amoxapine.
187.which of the following
drug not given in acute maina (lamotrigine.
188.DOC for acute migraine is(sumatriptan.
189.TOC in attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD)(methylphenidate.
190.baclofen is used in(spasticity.
191.DOC for status epilepticus(lorazepam .
192.false statement regarding
phenobarbitone (no significant interaction with warfarin.
193. site of action of
194.when the sympathetic nervous system is activated (norepinephrine is released Frm axon onto the anterior wall.
194.when the sympathetic nervous system is activated (norepinephrine is released Frm axon onto the anterior wall.
195.regarding suckling reflex ,which of the following is true (triggers the release of
Oxytocin by stimulating the supraoptic nuclei
196.negri body is most
commonly found in(hippocampus.
197.most frequent site of
brain abscessis(frontall
198.glioma of optic nerve is
usually pilocytic
199.phagocytes in cns(microglia.
200.mcc of IC bleed (HTN.
201.celebellar ataxia is caused by(cytosine arabinoside.
202.wrong abt antiepileptics(valproate reduces t1/2 of lamotrigine.
203.m/c cause of acute pyogenic/bacterial
meningitis in adolescents and young adults(N.meningitidis.
*adults(streptococcus pneumonia.
*neonates (E.coli and group B streptococci.
*adults(streptococcus pneumonia.
*neonates (E.coli and group B streptococci.
204.lisch nodules are seen in(
neurofibromatosis.(NF1)*not found in NF2.
205.pathological changes /findings in rabies is (negri bodies.
206.parkinson’s traid(rigidity ,risting tremors,bradykinesia.
208.mcc of viral
encephalitis(herpes simplex.(m/c entro virus).
*m/c complication after mumps.
*m/c complication after mumps.
209.m/c site of hypertensive intraparenchymal
hemorrhage in brain (putamen.
211.pathology of alzehimers disease is (accumulation of beta amyloid protein .
212.which of the following
cancer metastasize to brain leastly(prostate cancer.
213.m/c cause of meningitis
in aids (cryptococcus.
214.negri bodies are seen
in (nerve
215.carpal tunnel syndrome
216.trendenlenburg’s sign seen
in(superior gluteal nerve
217.m/c muscle complete
paralysed in polio(tibialis
218.the commenest of spinal
discprolapse occurs in lumberspine at the level(L4-L5.
219.neuropathic joints are
seen in (syphillis,DM,myelomeningocele.
220.fasciculation are most
commonly seen with(motor
neuron disease.
221.mcc of stroke in elderly is (embolic.
222.anti-actylcholine receptor antibodies are
found in (myasthenia gravis.
223.wernicke’s encephalopathy
is d/t deficiency of vit B1(thiamine).
224.winging of scapula is
d/t (long
thoracic nerve palsy.
225.mcc of dementia seen in
elderly pt’s is (alzheimers disease.
226.feature of alpha rhythm
in EEG (disapper when a pt opens eyes.
227.shivering is caused by(stimulation of fibers coming frm posterior
228.in primary syphilis
primary treatment used(inj.of benzathine pencilline 2.4
Million unit I/M single dose.
Million unit I/M single dose.
229.DOC for GTCS(sodium valporate.
231.IOC in acute subarachnoid
hemorrhage (CT-scan.
calcification are best diagnosed by(CT.
232.nesseria meningitis
contain following virulent factors Except(beta-lactamase.
234.contre-coup injury to brain is more common
235.a pt with sinus infection
develops chemosis B/L proptosis and fever most likely
Diagnosis( cavernous sinus thrombosis.
Diagnosis( cavernous sinus thrombosis.
236.neck stiffness and
kernig’s sign are seen in(meningitis.
237.target fibers are not seen in(dermatomyositis.
238.a pt P/with h/o 2
episods of left eye blindness ,right hemiplegia&transient speech Difficulty
,which lasted 20mins each ,which is the most possible site of obstruction (left niddle cereberal artery.
239.tinel sign is suggestive
of (nerve
regeneration .
241.radial nerve mostly
injured in fracture of(shaft of humurus.
242.cock-up splint is used in(radial nerve injury.
243.wrist drop is by(radial nerve injury.
244.foot drop is by(common peroneal nerve injury.
245.loss of conduction of
nerve fiber or physiological paralysis of nerve fiber in (neuropraxia.
246.poliomyelitis(paralysis is asymmetrical,
m/c muscle affected is quadricepis femoris.
Where as complete paralysis is seen with tibialis anterior.
m/c muscle affected is quadricepis femoris.
Where as complete paralysis is seen with tibialis anterior.
247.increased neuromuscular
irritability is a feature of (hypocalcemia.
248.paradoxical breathing is seen in (diaphragmatic palsy.
249.pseudohypertrophy of
muscle is a feature of(duchnne muscular dystrophy.(DMD).
250.sxcal procedure done in
myasthenia gravis(thymectomy.
251.CSF findings in a pt with
TB mengitis is( increased protein Decreased glucose,Increased lymphocytes
252.all are true abt cluster
head ache Except (seen B/L.
253.presence of hemiplegia with diminution of
vision in the C/L eye suggests Occulussion of (internal carotid artery.
254.B/L facial palsy is seen in (GBS.
255.CN most commonly
involved in posterior communting artery aneurysmIs(occulomotor.
256.fasiculations are seen in
lesions of (LMN
type of lesion.
257.parkinson’s disease and
parkinsonism differs in all of the following
258.upper motor neuron lesion
is characterized by(weakness &spasticity.
259.not seen in a case of
hemorrhage in MCA territory(urinary incontinence.
260.brain death is defined as(loss of brain stem function .
261.characterstic of GBS is(loss of limb reflex.
262.spike and dome pattern is
seen in (petitmal
263.an upper motor neuron
lesion of facial will cause (Paralysis of half of the face on opposite side.
264.argyll Robertson pupil is seen in (neurosyphilis.
264.argyll Robertson pupil is seen in (neurosyphilis.
265.mcc of SAH(saccular aneurysm repture/berry aneurysm.
266.initial IOC in SAH(CT-scan .
267.antibodies against actylcholine receptors
are seen in (myasthenia grvis.
268.Flapping tremors seen in
all Except(thyrotoxicosis.
269.B/L pin point pupil
,hyperpyrexia&loss of consciousness is suggestive of(pontine hemorrhage.
279.in dominated parietal lobe head injury all of the following are seen Except(Urinary incontinence.
280.m/c cause of intracranial bleed is(HTN.
279.in dominated parietal lobe head injury all of the following are seen Except(Urinary incontinence.
280.m/c cause of intracranial bleed is(HTN.
281.which of the following
sensation is preserved on the side of the lesion inbrownSequard syndrome(temperature.
282.CN commonly involved in GBS(facial.
282.CN commonly involved in GBS(facial.
283.m/c causative agent for
meningitis in the immonocompromised pt is(cryptococcus.
284.Not a component of thalamic syndrome(sexual alteration.
285.nissl substance is found in(neuron.
286.ragged red fibers is
ass/with (MERRF
syndrome .
287.correct statement
regarding von reklinghausen disease (NF1)are all Except
(neuron turns malignant.
288.a pt with head injury opens eyeson painful stimulus,uses inappropriate words and
Localizes pain .what is his GCS(10.
(neuron turns malignant.
288.a pt with head injury opens eyeson painful stimulus,uses inappropriate words and
Localizes pain .what is his GCS(10.
289.a pt sustained RTA and
endotracheal intubation was done most likely GCS of such aPt be(8.
290.what is not seen in head injury (GCS score 0.
290.what is not seen in head injury (GCS score 0.
291.minimum GCS (3 (max-15).
292.GCS in a case of mild head injury(14/15 with LOC
293.which of the following is
not a feature ofnormal pressure hydrocephalus(
Lesion is blockage of csf pathology for the lateral to fourth ventricle.
Lesion is blockage of csf pathology for the lateral to fourth ventricle.
294.raised intracranial
pressure will cause(papilloedema.
295.lucid interval is ass/with(extradural hematoma.
296.source of chronic
subdural hematoma is (venous.
297.epidural hemorrhage commonly
occur from tearing of (middle meningeal artery.
298.feature of diffuse axonal injury(prolonged unconsciousness.
300.ECG is least useful for diagnosing ischemic
disease d/t which of the following (Left circumflex artery.
301.diseases involving misfolded protein defect include the following Except(Multiple sclerosis.
301.diseases involving misfolded protein defect include the following Except(Multiple sclerosis.
302.features of wernike’s encephalopathy are all Except(parapresis.
303.most sensitive test for the diagnosis of
myasthenia gravis is( elevated serumAch-receptor binding antibodies.
304.the hyperkinetic features of the huntington’s disease are d/t the loss of( Intrastrisatal GABAergic and cholinergic system.
305.EEG is abnormal in the following Except(locked-in state
306.characteristic EEG pattern in absence seizures(3-Hz spike-and-waves.
307.all of the following are neurologic channelopathies Except(spinocerebellar ataxia
308.livedo reticularis is an adverse effect of which of the following anti-parkinsonismDrug(amantadine.
309.p-100 response in neurodiagnostics refers to (visual evoked potential .
310.defective proteins involved in the pathogenesis of parkinsons disease are( Alpha synuclein,dardarin,parkin etc..
311.correct definition of myoclonus(sudden ,brief {<100 ms},shocklike arrhythmic Muscle twitches.
312.the scaralspinal segments lie at what vertebral body levels(D12-L1
313.m/c clinical type of multiple sclerosis(RRMS(relapsing/remitting multiple sclerosis
314.treatment of Tic Douloureux (trigeminal nerve neurolagia) includes(Carbamazepine,baclofen,radiofrequency thermal rhizotomy.
315.vit-B12 deficiency can give rise to all of the following ,Except(myopathy.
316.which of the following is false regarding progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy(indolent course.
317.the following are supplied by posterior cereberal artery(PCA)Except(pons.
319.true abt pneumococcal meningitis include all Except(has it peak age incidenceIn childhood.
320.20yrs/girl c/o headache while studying .her vision is found tobe normal.
Which of the following you need not enquire to evaluate her headache.(menstural history.
321.a young 29yrs/m in casualty with sudden onset “thunderclap” headache and
Unconsciousness .he has u/l dilated pupil.what is the most probable cause(acute SAH.
322.horner’s syndrome can be caused by following Except(medial medullary syndrome.
323.60yrs/man with c/o progressive dementia for the past 6months P/with suddenly
Developed diffuse jitterness of whole body .EEG showed sharp bipolar spikes In temporal lobes .diagnosis is(creutzfeld jackob disease.
324. ‘onion bulb” changes in nerve are seen in (chronic inflammatory demyelinatingPolyneuropathy
325.left abducent nerve palsy causes(diplopia in left lateral gaze.
326.antidepressant also useful intreatment of Enuresis,ADHD,&chronc pain(imipramin
327.correct regarding the treatment of a pt suffering frm amyotophic lateral Sclerosis(ASL)(riluzole was FDA approved for ALS because it improves Survival rate.
328.most common complication of mumps is(orchitis.(inchildhood-meningoencephlitis)
329.causes of “dying back neuropathy” include all Except(GBS.
330.drugs used for prophylaxis of migraine are following Except(levetriacetam.
331.the classic presentation of proximal arm/leg weakness with preservation of Distal strength ,the so-called “man in barrel”is feature of(ACA occlusion
332.54yrs/man developed sudden monocular blindness with mild right sided hemiparesis
Most likely culprit vessel responsible for this is( left internal carotid artery.
333.craniovertebral junction is likely to be affected in all the following Except OA.